Inheritance and it's Guarantee

Jan 14, 2024    Vasiliy Stupin

We continue on our sermon series that we started and learned that how God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Jesus Christ. We studied the spiritual blessings that were given to us by the gift of redemption. Being chosen and predestined. We were adopted in His family. A gift of glorious grace. Forgiveness of sins. Sealed by the Holy Spirit for an inheritance. His will is being revealed to us through Holy Spirit as He leads us under His sovereign will and plan.

If you are not experiencing today a little of what heaven is going to look like, the question then is: do you have the Holy Spirit, the guarantor of your salvation? If not, then it's time to repent. Because every believer does from the time of repentance and committing their life to Jesus.

A cultivate a heart of gratitude for your spiritual blessings in Christ. Our inheritance in Christ is the total of what God has promised us in salvation. The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance.